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My books are a gift to help you discover the joy in your own stories as you experience the joy in mine. Feel free to send me a message after reading my books. I'd love to hear what you think. Go to the Bio page for my contact information.

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Night Bird In Solitary Song
Conversations of Pretense vs. Reality (2022)

Night Bird in Solitary Song is about the internal dialogue with the voices within us, spoken out loud when thrust into an unexpected situation!


We grapple with our own choices, recognize the reality, and set about to change what we can. We hope to grow and expand in the process.

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A Letter to Paul 
1955 (2021)

A Letter to Paul - 1955 is a love story about following your own heart. What happens when you feel deep in your gut that you are supposed to be one way, and everyone in the world tells you that you have to be something else?


Do you follow your gut instinct? Shouldn't you be who you naturally are? Follow Ellen's journey to becoming Ellen on her own terms.

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A Wake-Up Call
A Father, A Daughter & Three Strokes (2021)

A Wake-Up Call: A Father, A Daughter & Three Strokes was a lesson in love. Only this time it was a lesson in the love of a daughter for herself. Her reality was her full-life fingerprint. It was personal. Everything that happened to her, happened with her conscious and unconscious permission. It was the result of her strong Will. The human experience that she participated in existed with her consent.


This book was her journey to freedom. She released the negative, held tightly to the positive, and lives a new present awareness.

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From Out Of The Shadows
Doubt in the Service of Faith & Other Paradoxes (2020)

This book, From Out Of The Shadows - Doubt in the Service of Faith & Other Paradoxes is a collaboration between two generations of authors in the same family, the niece and the nun. As a black Catholic nun (Sister Sandra) O.S.F., her mission for nearly seven decades, has been the education of young black children, who are currently entering school with a 30 million-word deficit from their white counterparts.


Now in her mid-90s, she continues to work with the Public School System in our hometown of Nashville, Tenn., to improve the reading literacy of underprivileged youth. All of the royalties from this book go directly to her reading literacy programs. 

We're All The Same
Poems and Short Stories About Everyday Stuff (2018)

We're All The Same is my confirmation that we all want the same things. There is no order to these pages, no structure or organization in the layout. Each is its own reflection of that moment in time. Perhaps you will discover what makes your heart sing within these lines.

Open and Connected
Poems and Short Stories That Keep You Grounded

Open and Connected is an exhilarating journey into connections we all share. It is a marvelous compilation of what is possible. Perhaps you will discover your own connections in my stories. Come, and share the journey!

I've Got My Wings
Poems and Short Stories That Shaped My Life (2015)


I am a storyteller. And my life is my story. It has been full of ups and downs and twists and turns. And God has brought me through it all, with grace and mercy. Come, share the ride! 


All those who have crossed my path, been visitors along the trails, or who have traveled before me have become fixtures on the canvas of my life. Each experience has been painted in brilliant colors.


There is no order in these pages, no structure, or organization in the layout. Each is its own reflection of that moment in time. Life happens. 


I’ve Got My Wings is my gift to help you delight in your own stories. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in these lines. Perhaps you will discover your own wings. I’ve really loved learning how to fly. And oh, what a ride indeed!

Coffee & Conversation (Volume 1 - 5)


This was an annual compilation from author and publisher, Phillis Clements. We met in 2013 when she shared that she wanted a place for women to meet and share a cup of coffee and just BE. I agreed that it was a good idea and I would join. It would be all she needed to hear. She started the group shortly after we spoke in March of 2013 and we met monthly until she passed in February of 2021. She was the very essence of friendship, love, support, and encouragement. 


Coffee & Conversation, the compilation, always had a theme and was open to anyone who wanted to be included. As the only two authors in every book, you will find that each author is thoughtful and engaging. 


Each volume is $18.95 (shipping & handling not included).

Coffee & Conversation
Steaming Cups of Audacity, Courage, and Persistence (2020)


Coffee & Conversation, Volume 5 is a compilation named for the amazing group of women who gather in our community on a monthly basis to provide nourishment to our mind, body, and soul.


All of the amazing authors in this book have chosen to share their gifts of words and wisdom with you in hopes that you will recognize that you are amazing, and courageous, and will continue to make choices that support those realizations. For some of you, this will be easy, for others not so much. Know that you are not alone and are only one CHOICE away from living your best life.

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Coffee & Conversation
Warm Cups of Self-Care (2019)

Coffee & Conversation, Volume 4 is a compilation of wonderfully inspiring and uplifting stories by phenomenal women, providing cups full of wisdom for women all over the world. 


This is volume four of the well-loved Coffee and Conversation book compilation, named for the amazing group of women that gathers in our community on a monthly basis to provide nourishment to our mind, body, and soul. All of the amazing authors in this book have chosen to share their gift of words and wisdom with you in hopes that you will discover what self-care means to you and begin to make choices that support those definitions.

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Coffee & Conversation
Warm Cups of Friendship, Laughter & Love (2018)

Coffee & Conversation, Volume 3 is a compilation of wonderfully inspiring and uplifting stories by phenomenal women, providing cups full of wisdom for women all over the world. 


All of the wonderful authors in this book have chosen to share their gift of words and wisdom with you in hopes that you will discover what matters to you and begin to make choices that support those priorities. 

Coffee & Conversation
Warm Cups of Love, Adventure & Positivity (2017)

Coffee & Conversation, Volume 2 is a compilation of wonderfully inspiring and uplifting stories by phenomenal women, providing cups full of wisdom for women all over the world. 


Read about how the power of community can change your life, the importance of putting yourself first, and how being in love makes you giggle and smooch.

Coffee & Conversation
Warm Cups of Inspiration and Wisdom (2016)

Coffee & Conversation is a compilation of wonderfully inspiring and uplifting stories by phenomenal women, providing cups full of wisdom for women all over the world. 


Read about how jigsaw puzzles taught me how to accomplish my goals, how powerful prayer can be, and learn how I prevented a self-fulfilling prophecy and found a new mentor in the process.

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The ZICA Collective
ZICA Creative Arts & Literary Guild Anthology (2016)


The ZICA Creative Arts & Literary Guild is the first Black Writing Group that I was invited to join. I was welcomed in to learn and grow from the wisdom of the elders who accepted me as a fellow creative. It was an honor to be included in this anthology. I have three pieces in this year's publication.  

Igniting the Vision
21 Stories of Powerful, Overcoming, Transforming, and Triumphant Women (2015)

Igniting the Vision is a compilation of powerful stories of amazingly triumphant women, overcoming and transforming their lives through some very challenging circumstances. Come with me on the journey of discovering who each of these women are and feel the impact of their victories. 


Read about how I use my father's stroke as a catalyst to attaining a more healthy lifestyle.


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